Sunday, January 23, 2011

Everybody has a little bit of "True Grit" in them...including me

A couple of weeks ago, Dustin, Aubree, Sadie and I went to see the movie "True Grit".  I had actually watched the original movie so many times that I could quote part of the movie!  The ending was a bit different and I did like the way the original movie ended better.  In the original the lawyer's name that Maddy Ross was spouting off right and left seemed as though she was making up this person just to scare everyone and at the end the lawyer actually comes to the town and they realize he is a real person. I did like the remake also; however...

the funny thing is during this movie I ended up showing some "true grit" of my own... 
Hailee didn't go to the movie and she was ice skating with her friend Ashley.  I hadn't been able to get a hold of her and let her know we weren't at home.  Hailee text me during the movie and asked if she could spend the night with Ashley.  We were sitting on the lower level and there was a balcony of sorts directly above us.  I had the phone hidden in my coat and took just enough time to read it and respond "yes".  At that point I felt a kick or movement right behind Aubree's head but didn't think anything of it.  Well, the message didn't get to Hailee and she sent it again. Just as I looked down at the phone, this grouchy old man sitting behind Aubree says rather loudly, "Put that thing away, you put that thing away right now".  I turned around and said, "NO! I'm trying to respond to my daughter, now shut the hell up!"  And he did exactly that.  I really think I was just really into the movie because I don't think that would've been my normal response.  Dustin told me later that the old man probably had me pegged for an, "Oh, I'm sorry" and then put it away immediately kind of girl!  Some people are influenced by music but I guess I'm influenced by movies. It's just a good thing I wasn't watching The Fighter that night or I might've turned around and beat the crap out of that guy.


  1. Hehe! Makes me giggle! Was he wearing an eyepatch?!

  2. Nope, not wearing an eye patch if it was...Mr. Cogburn? Mr. Rooster Cogburn?...I would've been more forgiving! :)


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