Thursday, April 14, 2011

Weed Eaters

Now that the snow is officially gone, we've noticed that our lawn is in less than perfect condition, so this weekend we went to our neighborhood nursery, Heartland Nursery and Garden Center and sought out their expert advise.

They gave us a guide stating:

Optimum Times to Have a Hummert Lawn

March or April-Crabgrass control-Dimension
May or June-Long Lasting Dyna Green
June 1st thru July 15-Grub Control-Merit
September-Long Lasting Dyna Green
October-1st application of Winterizer
***4 Weeks Apart****
November-2nd application of Winterizer

Let me start off by saying, I don't know what a Hummert Lawn is, so I'm not sure if that is actually what we are going for or not.  Our second dilemma is that the month is April which means we are supposed to be doing the Crabgrass control-Dimension, but when we look at the picture on the sack which shows you what you are trying to get rid of...we don't have that.  We have the dandelions and the weeds showing on the May/June sack.  So what did we do?  We got the March/April sack, that way we wouldn't have this issue in 4 weeks we reapply the May/June sack since it is May/June or do we move on to the June/July sack.  We're just going to keep it simple like that.

As I looked down at the dandelions on the May/June sack I couldn't help but think about one time when I was growing up, we lived on 5 acres and one year instead of trying to kill the dandelions, we picked them and made them into dandelion jelly.  We only did this one year, probably because it was a lot of work, but it made for a fun childhood memory.

Here is a recipe for Dandelion Jelly, so you can be a "Weed Eater" too :)

1 quart of dandelion flowers (just the yellow petals)
1 quart of water
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 box of Sure-Jell
4 1/2 cups of sugar

Cook the petals and water for 3 minutes. Strain and save the juice. Follow the instructions on the Sure-Jell box using the dandelion water. Bring to a boil.  Add the sugar and lemon juice.  

I can't remember exactly what it tasted like, except it reminded me of honey and was real sweet!

1 comment:

  1. The dandelions in the picture are beautiful! Too bad they have such a bad reputation because I can grow them better than any other plant!


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