Monday, February 13, 2012

Soda Cool Gift Idea!

So years ago, before pinterest :) there wasn't really a way to "share" ideas, so if you were crafty your two (cheap) options were, create an idea yourself OR peruse your local gift store and "borrow" their ideas.  This one I "borrowed" about 13 years ago, it's been long enough now that my darling daughters think it's "my thing",...and I don't really correct them.  These are great for slumber party goody-"bag" gifts, school party treats, teachers gifts, etc. etc.

So here we go:

Items needed:
cans of soda (pop, soda pop, or the "coke" of your choice, lol! depending on which part of the country you're from)
a piece of thin cardboard or paper plate
glue gun and glue sticks
candy (the kind in wrappers)

Trace around the top of the can
Cut out the traced circles
 Add a decent size glob of glue to the center of the can
 Glue on the cardboard circle
apply a generous amount of glue to the middle of the cardboard
 Glue the tallest pieces of candy first, and keep a hold of each piece since, the glue doesn't really harden up that quickly before the candy tries to fall off.
 Continue to add layers of candy around the top of the can, spacing candy out evenly
For the remaining pieces, I put the glue directly on the candy wrapper and squeezed them in the middle of the other pieces, to make it look fuller
To complete the look, tie a bow around the can, and that's it!
Hailee, is pouting because they aren't for her :) I knew she thought it was awesome when I gave these to her class about 4 or 5 years ago, but I didn't know she still thought they were so great.  She is allowed to use the hot glue gun and in the Summer, she and her friends walk to CVS and buy candy...she could totally make this herself, so not real sure why this is so upsetting to her :)

Our other Valentine craft projects this year were, Valentine cookies and Valentine Cards.
Aubree, Hailee and Felicity should never be agents the way they were coaching Sadie and her "modeling" for her Valentine Cards.  At one point she was trying so hard to smile right and do the sign for "smart" at the same time, that she was shaking and her smile looked a little scary! Her first few shots of her blowing a kiss turned out cute though, so that's what we used.

A Kiss for My Valentine

Our other ideas were: 
1. Sadie signing smart, with the card saying, "from one Smartie to other" with Smarties candy affixed to the card.
2. Sadie doing the "call me" sign, with the card saying, "call me your Valentine"
Awh...a happy Hailee! Dustin surprised his lovely wife and four darling daughters with flowers and candy  on Valentine's morning :)

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