Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cute Laundry Room!

Last year I decided that my laundry room was not cute enough.  So I used my computer savvy skills and typed into Google, "Cute Laundry Rooms".  The picture below is what came out and I agree, I do think it is very cute!

So thus, it became my inspiration for my own cute laundry room, with a few changes for practicality purposes.  The first thing I noticed was, "Where's their dryer?" 

I have lived without a dryer before. It is a greener way to go, but believe me, I had to remind myself of that every time I picked the green grass off of my clothes that had fell into the yard!  I can't give up my dryer, so I'll just have to work around that.  The second thing I noticed here was, they don't have a cabinet where I have a cabinet.  I also am not willing to give up my cabinet.

I'm not sure my husband saw my vision, but he was willing to do the work, even though he (being the minimalist that he is) does not understand the "cute-thing".  So below is our creation...

Our own cute laundry room, which is a pretty happenin' place when you have fourdarlingdaughters!


  1. Oh my gosh, please come do my laundry room!

  2. Brett<3Cara,

    :)Would love too! Of course you could always do what I did and just copy it and claim it for your own, lol! :)


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