Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pumpkin Bashing

Carving pumpkins is a pretty normal tradition in most families.  This year to mix things up, we decided to have a competition: parents vs. darling daughters.  Starting with picking out the pumpkins, choosing a design, carving and then final presentation.  The girls say that I'm the competitive one, but as soon as I mention the word competition, their eyes light up, their ears perk up, and you can see the wheels in their heads start to turn.

We tried to keep the our designs secret, but Ms. Smart A$$ubree said, "What are you guys going to do, a Chiefs arrowhead?" I said, it's going to be way more awesome than that...when she says, "What are you going to try to put a players head on a pumpkin...*my eyes shift sideways to make sure she didn't see our Matt Cassel head printed out on the counter*...because that is so old news, all over Twitter"

Well, since I was not feeling well, I showed mercy on them; we ended up carving...
a Chiefs Arrowhead and some pretty stuff on the side.  Dustin drew it, I was carving it, until I sliced my hand with the x-acto knife.  So I decided to spy on our competition. I was curious as to what they'd come up with since they were talking pretty big and bashing our pumpkin ideas...
Not bad and pretty creative! A three legged unicorn without a horn and toothpicks holding it together :)
It was getting pretty chilly, so I decided to warm up the house by roasting the pumpkin seeds.
Sadie wanted to help!
We took this ourselves using the self timer and the window sill. Not too bad for amateurs :)
Pumpkin Seeds
Fresh Pumpkin Seeds
Worcestershire Sauce
Sea Salt

Cook for 25 minutes
300 degree oven

As for the winner of the Pumpkin Carving contest, Aubree tally marked the positive comments from Trick-or-Treaters. 5 positive comments for the darling daughters/0 for parents. :)


  1. I'll give you a point (sorry, I person, 1 vote). However, the unicorn is hard to beat. And I think I spotted some carvings on the side too. Very creative.
    I bet you had some creative ideas of your own...and you let the girls win.
    Have you starting thinking about what you are going to do next year?
    I may have some ideas to share.

  2. I'd welcome any good ideas for next year, and next year I will be more prepared. I really needed carbon paper to make a Matt Cassel's head, but since I wasn't feeling good, I definitely gave up way too easy!


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