Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bye Bye Binky :(

Sadie is about to turn two and we decided it's about time for her to give up her binky.  According to the Farmer's Almanac, the best time for weaning is during a shrinking moon.  Weaning during this time seemed to work for Aubree, Hailee and Felicity and I was hoping Sadie wouldn't be any different.

Day 1: Sadie was extremely tired.  She said, "Elmo binky".  Which means she wants her binky, her Elmo blankie and her bed.  I took her over to her bed (knowing that I had already made her binky disappear)

Me: I don't see your binky, it isn't in your bed.
Sadie: Lost it, binky. Find it.

I pulled her crib out like we always do to find her binky, but there was no binky there.

Me: Do you see it?
Sadie: Find it, Sadie's binky. Lost
Me: I don't know where your binky is.
Sadie: Downstairs table.
Me: You lay down and I'll go downstairs and look for it.
Sadie: Mommy, find it binky, downstairs.

I lied :(  I went down stairs and Sadie fell instantly asleep. It broke my heart to lie to her, but I didn't want her to cry.

Day 2: Sadie has her jammies on and we've now read the book, "Where the Wild Things Are?" 5 times.

Sadie: Wild Things Are, again.
Me: It's time to go night, night
Sadie: Mommy find it binky downstairs...

How did she remember that?  Now I feel terrible about lying to her.

Sadie: Sadie, drink it water?
Me: Do you need a drink of water?

We start walking downstairs to get Sadie water and as I came to the last step I thought, "oh no...she tricked me!  She's lured me downstairs with the request of a drink, but she is going to get me down here and then demand her binky."  I was panicking inside. Oh, the tangled web we weave, I was thinking!
What lie am I going to have to tell her now?

...I gave her too much credit.  She got her drink of water and we went back upstairs. As I placed her in her crib she looked up at me...

Sadie: Elmo, binky?
Me: Oh, wow gosh.  I forgot all about looking for binky downstairs. (I tucked her blankie in around her) I'll go down stairs and look for it. Did you say you thought it was on the table?
Sadie: Table. down stairs. Mommy get it. 

Tears are now moistening my eyes, I've now lied to my baby twice!  

Day 3: We read, "Where the Wild Things Are?" 4 times, she kissed everyone goodnight, she got a drink twice, and she was asking for her binky.

Me: Do you want Mommy to go look for binky?
Sadie: Mommy, find it, binky.
Me: Okay, you lay down and I'll...

Sadie grabs a hold of me and says, "no, lay down!"
Her daddy comes over and takes over.

Sadie: Yogurt, lunch
Dustin: It's night, night time
Sadie: Yogurt, lunch

It's now about 10 p.m. and Sadie is sitting on her daddy's lap eating yogurt!  We finally get her back upstairs and once again she asks for her binky and once again I told her I would go downstairs and look for it.  She was laying quietly there while I went downstairs...and she quickly fell asleep again.

This is supposed to go's a shrinking moon! 


  1. Precious! This story made me want to laugh and cry! I can just hear her saying it exactly like you wrote it, ah,the end of an era....

  2. Those are the most adorable pictures!! Im glad you told me about your blog!


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