Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hanes-Meet Ann Taylor!

Dear Hanes,

I'm not Large, I think I'm more like a medium or an average!  Why did you need to put the L by the number on my new panties?  Isn't the number enough to let me know which ones to get?  I don't like being called large.  I would also like to know exactly how far these letters go, because if I'm an L on the A-Z scale then I think that's about right.


Jennifer B (Jenafile)

P.S. You could learn a thing or two from Ann Taylor.

We women love Ann Taylor, don't we?  We know that we are a size 8 or 10 but Ann Taylor (Loft) tells us that we are a size 6 or 8, and we love that.  After the holidays when we've put on a few extra pounds, Ann Taylor says, "That's okay, honey, you haven't gone up a whole pant size.  Go ahead and eat that other piece of cheesecake"..."Thank you, Ann.  I think I'll eat that other cookie, too!"

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